Cloud Security
The 10 Tenets of an Effective SASE Solution
As cloud adoption grows, cloud-enabled organizations are experiencing an influx of new security requirements....
Cloud Adoption and Risk Report
The recent work from home mandate has dramatically changed how we live and work. Organisations are getting...
How a modern frontend can transform your ecommerce business
Our Whitepaper reviews 5 ways JAMstack and a modern CDN edge cloud platform will boost your ecommerce...
The Top Questions to Ask in Your SASE RFP
Moving to a cloud-delivered architecture can be daunting. It is essential to find a SASE provider who...
Cloud and Web Security Challenges in 2022
Organisations' work environments have undergone rapid but lasting changes in the face of the recent health...
The Data Breach is Coming from Inside the House
Real-Life Tales of Data Loss, Insider Threats and User Compromise Data doesn't lose itself. People lose...
CIO Priorities: Forcing Business to Evolve
It's apparent now that the forces pushing for businesses to embrace technology to modernization are unstoppable....
State of Ransomware Readiness 2022
Ransomware has become one of the primary threats to organizations of all types over the past few years....
Cloud Data Security 2023 Report by ESG, a division of TechTarget
…More than half (59%) of respondents believe that more than 30% of their organization's sensitive data...
Defending Ukraine: Early Lessons from the Cyber War
The latest findings in our ongoing threat intelligence efforts in the war between Russia and Ukraine,...
Your Path to Zero Trust
In a business world without perimeters and dominated by remote work, finding a balance between easy collaboration...
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